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LED driver solution for MR16 and similar retrofit lamps

来源:    作者:    发布时间:2015-01-24 09:46:56    浏览量:
This application note presents an LED driver solution for MR16 and similar retrofit lamps. The circuit drives LEDs from a 12VAC input. The solution works with both magnetic and electronic transformers and is dimmable. It requires no electrolytic capacitors, which extends LED lamp life. Test setup and results are shown.


This application note describes a proprietary solution that will drive LEDs off a 12VAC input for MR16 and similar retrofit lamps. This design can be used with both magnetic and electronic transformers. It is dimmable with leading-edge dimmers for magnetic transformers and with trailing-edge dimmers for electronic transformers. No electrolytic capacitors are required. This greatly extends the lifetime of an LED lamp, because electrolytic capacitors are typically the element of the system with the shortest lifetime.

Solution specifications

  • Input voltage: 12VAC
  • Output LED power: 5W
  • Number of output series LEDs: 3 to 4

Board terminals (Figure 1)

  • Inputs: VIN1, VIN2, input AC supply
  • Outputs: LED+, LED-, output LED anode and cathode connections
Figure 1. The schematic for the reference design.
Figure 1. The schematic for the reference design.

Compatibility issues for electronic transformers and dimmers

Electronic transformers are a lower cost, smaller, and lighter alternative to traditional magnetic transformers for converting the 120VAC/230VAC line voltage to 12VAC and to supply an MR16 lamp. Electronic transformers modulate the input AC voltage with a frequency of 35kHz to 40kHz, and then feed this signal to a high-frequency transformer that converts 120/230VAC to 12VAC. Thanks to this high-frequency modulation, the transformer can be less expensive, smaller, and lighter. The 35kHz to 40kHz modulation is done with a self-oscillating circuit that uses a proportional base drive for the bipolar transistors that function as the switches for a half bridge.

Electronic transformers are designed to have halogen lamps as loads, and not LED lamps. For the transformer to work properly, it needs a minimal amount of load current through the cycle of the line voltage. If the load current falls below this minimum, or if high load-current transients bring it below this minimum, the transformer turns off during the cyc功率电感le of the line voltage. If this happens, the lamp light can flicker. With halogen lamps, there is no problem having enough load current, because they are purely resistive loads and the power exceeds 20W. Moreover, the electronic transformers are designed to operate with resistive loads, as are halogen lamps.

When electronic transformers are used with halogen or incandescent lamps, two issues must be solved.
  • LED lamps ar电感生产厂家e, in general, not purely resistive loads. In particular, if the driver is a simple voltage rectifier followed by a DC-DC converter, its input current is made of short, high spikes of current at each half cycle of the input voltage. This is not good for transformers;
  • LED lamps are more efficient than halogen lamps. While this is certainly good, it can be an issue for compatibility with electronic transformers because the load current of LED lamps is, of course, lower.
In addition to an electronic transformer, a cut-angle dimmer can be present in the system before the transformer. Trailing-edge dimmers are typically used, because leading-edge (i.e., triac) dimmers do not work correctly with electronic transformers.

Trailing-edge dimmers reduce the amount of lamp light by cutting the final part of the line voltage at each half cycle.

Sometimes the infrastructure still includes a magnetic trans大电流电感former instead of an electronic one. A magnetic transformer has the same requirements for resistive behavior of the load and minimum load current as does an electronic transformer. However, if a dimmer is present (leading-edge dimmers are typically used with magnetic transformers), the dimmer requires a resistive load and a minimum load current. In short, the LED driver has similar constraints to those mentioned above for electronic transformers.

Description of the circuit

This circuit is a buck-boost converter, composed of inductor L1, switching MOSFET Q1, and power diode D6. It works in fixed-frequency, continuous-conduction mode.

The solution presented here uses an active, power factor correction (PFC) approach to control and shape the input current so it is compatible with electronic transformers and dimmers. Active PFC provides the best control of the input current; it keeps the current above the minimum required by the dimmer and transformer for the largest part of the input voltage cycle and, thus, avoids transient spikes of that current. Active PFC is, therefore, the best approach to design 贴片电感a dimmable lamp with no flicker.
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