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LED driver solution for MR16 and similar retrofit lamps

来源:    作者:    发布时间:2015-01-24 09:46:56    浏览量:
80-270VACNVC® Lighting Technology CorporationNLD-15W/12V
220VAC OSRAM®ECO-ET 60/220

In addition, this solution has been tested to work with the following dimmer/electronic transformer combina卧式电感tions.

Input VoltageDimmer MakerDimmer ModelElectronic Transformer
120VLutron® ElectronicsNova NELV-450Hatch R12-60M-LED
B + L FX95100
120VLutron ElectronicsSkylark SELV-300PB + L FX95100
120VLutron ElectronicsDiva DVELV-300PHatch R12-80M
B + L FX95100

This solution has been tested to work correctly with the following dimmer/magnetic transformer combinations.

Input VoltageDimmer MakerDimmer ModelMagnetic Transformer
120VLutron ElectronicsNova NLV-600Q Tran Qt10-120-12-NTP-PC10VA
Eaglerise B04558F1 40VA
Schneider Electric® 150VA150SV43A (Square D)
120VLutron ElectronicsDiva DLV-600PQ Tran Qt10-120-12-NTP-PC10VA
Eaglerise B04558F1 40VA
120VLutron ElectronicsSkylark SLV-600PQ Tran Qt10-120-12-NTP-PC10VA
120VLutron ElectronicsMaestro MALV-600Q Tran Qt10-120-12-NTP-PC10VA
Schneider Electric 150VA15功率电感器0SV43A (Square D)

Test procedure

  • Turn off the 120VAC/230VAC power supply.
  • Connect the input of the trailing-edge dimmer (if present) to the power supply.
  • Connect the output of the 电感生产厂家dimmer to the input of the electronic transformer. Alternatively, connect th一体成型电感e input of the transformer to the power supply if no dimmer is present.
  • Connect the output of the dimmer to the VIN1 and VIN2 board inputs.
  • Connect the LEDs between LED+ (anode) and LED- (cathode).
  • Turn on the power supply.
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